Sunday, 29 January 2012

Will Mag fed take off?

So I've been reading on forums and other sites about mag fed paintball. I've been hearing people saying that they don't see it taking off. For reasons given like its just a fad, people wont like it, to expensive to switch still and the big one that I've seen numerous times is that people are saying that fields wont like it to change because people will not be buying as much paint and therefore fields wont make as much money.

 Now that last one is what bothered me, I've been playing mag fed for a while now absolutely love it and haven't really noticed a huge decrease in the number of paint balls that I will go through. I'm kind of conservative with my shots so before when I would play hopper fed on any given day of paintball (excluding big games) I will go through a bag (500) paintballs. Ever since I switched to mag fed I still go through roughly the same amount of paint but there are those days where I wont go through as much.

 This is using regular paintballs, now when these D-Mags are released ( which will be sooner than you think) we are going to see a HUGE increase in first strike sales. First strikes if you don't know about them look like this

 They are remarkable rounds. They are D shaped (hence the name D-Mags) and have fins on the back of them to help give the round spin and stabilizes the round allowing it to travel farther then regular round paintballs. As of right now only Tiberius is the only company making these rounds, but who knows maybe other companies will start to make their own version of them. The rounds are 25x more accurate and will travel twice as far as regular rounds. Only down side is that they are kind of expensive about a dollar a round but the bigger bulk you buy the cheaper they are, none the less a perfect sniper round

 I have noticed that some fields in my area are starting to carry them and allowing players to use first strike markers, so when these D-Mags are released a lot more people will start using these rounds, even though they cost a lot more than regular paintballs you end up shooting way less because they are hitting your target almost every time.

 So when the switch is made to first strike paintball, (and I will I can say that for sure) even though we will be shooting less because of the price of first strikes you still end up paying the same amount for your paint that you would for round balls. That's just my two cents on the whole thing anyways.

 I love mag fed and plan on playing it till the very end if you haven't made the switch I strongly suggest that you do, you wont be disappointed. Go out there and give it a try if you haven't already, support your local field(s) and don't for get to have fun.

M-POG Reviews Out 

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Flasc Review

   Hello again to all my fellow milsim (or not) users out there in the paintball community,
I am this is a review on some flasc products and just flasc in general.

    Around Christmas time I would have to say late november early december I ordered two flasc barrels and an apex2 tip, they were coming from london ontario so I figured they were only a day or two away by mail, and they were. I picked them up from the post office and having always heard great things about flasc was eager to open them and test them out, well after I opened the package and tried to fit them to my markers I realized that they were the wrong thread but the apex2 tip was fine. So I contacted flasc the same day and told them what was going on, they instructed me to send back the barrels and they would ship them back out as soon as they recieved the wrong one that were sent. I did just that and figured another week till I receive the proper barrels.

    About a week passed and I received another package but this time when I opened it, it was an apex tip and a barrel sizing kit. Now I needed these barrels before Christmas as one was a gift and the other was for myself, so again I contacted flasc and informed them what had happened (again), I told them that I need them before Christmas and being thee 21st I wasn't sure I would receive them on time. The gentleman and flasc told me to keep the barrel sizing kit that was sent by mistake and that he would over night the barrel so that I would receive them before Christmas and that he would send me some adapters so I could get better use out of the sizing kit.

 The barrels did in fact arrive the next day with two three inch extensions to make a 6" barrel to use with the sizing kit. I am VERY happy with the customer service at flasc, they were very prompt with responses and very helpful, I will from here on in always recommend a flasc barrel or products, and as you will see from my review just why I will.

  So on to the review of my barrels and all the other goodies that I received from flasc.
  12.5" SQB Ported Barrel: I have used a few barrel from various companies on my A5 but none have compared to this barrel, when I first received it I noticed that the barrel is extremely light weight and this worried me at first but I can say that it is of very solid construction. The barrel comes with flasc Gen 2 porting... and Its awesome I use it on my A5 and the marker is so quiet, that my trracer is louder than it no joke. I have fired about 1000 round through it since I received the barrel and have to say its dead on accurate and I have had zero barrel breaks. The great thing about flasc barrels is that they are double threaded so that you can add a variety of barrel tips that flasc makes giving you paintball marker any look you desire, I have an Apex2 (Review coming soon) tip from flasc with their adapter that they supply and I fits great.
  I love the barrel don't really know what else to say about it and I give it a 10/10
   I give this rating based on a very solid construction of the barrel, amazing porting a cool design and the fact that the barrels have the double threading sells me on a perfect score, I can throw the barrel on any marker I choose and just throw a new tip on it giving a variety of looks, a much cheaper option than purchasing a new barrel.

  I recommend this barrel to anyone looking to buy a barrel for their Tippmann marker ( or any other marker for that matter) you wont be disappointed.

 Next review I am going to write is on the micro bore kit so stay tuned for it.

   Thought I forgot about the give away didn't you? Well seeing as though I am more than happy with my flasc barrel I have no use for the micro bore kit and the apex tip.
  So as M-POGs first giveaway I will be giving away the whole kit

  which includes

  1. Flasc micro Bore kit, From sizes 0.678 0.681 0.684 0.687 0.69
  2. 2x 3" extensions
  3. Apex tip ready to thread on to a flasc barrel
  4. A carrying case for the whole kit

   It has been decided that this will be a picture contest.
   I want to see some BAD ASS milsim paint ball markers. As soon as we hit 100 like on the Facebook page ( like us up if you haven't already) The contest will start, I will run the contest for two weeks then we will make our decision from there.
 Like our page and get your pictures ready. Good luck to everyone

So as always dont forget to support your local field and have fun
M-POG Reviews out

Friday, 6 January 2012

Marker stability Part 2 Butt-stocks

So this is the second part of my marker stability.........FINALLY. Sorry I didn't post it sooner Ive been tearing s#*t up in battlefield 3 and just been busy with work and other things, but I did not forget about all you paintballers out there.

  So, you hopefully read my last post and maybe gone out and bought yourself a new foregrip, and if you did I hope that the info I wrote helped. If you didnt go and buy one thats ok I still hope my blog was informative.

  As with my last post I think Ill start with a definition: stock, also known as a buttstock or shoulder stock, is a part of a rifle or other firearm, to which the barrel and firing mechanism are attached, that is held against one's shoulder when firing the gun. Stocks are also found on crossbows though a crossbow stock is more properly referred to as a tiller.[1] The stock provides a means for the shooter to firmly support the device and easily aim it. The stock also transmits recoil into the shooter's body.[2]
  Taken from

  Stocks come in all different shapes and sizes from collapse-able, to a folding style to a fixed. When choosing a stock as with any other attachment or addon it all depends on your play style. Are you going to be the up front man close quarters battle (CQB), you going to play sniper, you going to be support? Your stock will help or hinder this.

  Lets start with an assault CQB player a person that plays sniper might use this kind of stock as well, a stock that an assault player generally will use is a collapse-able stock or folding stock, the benefits of these stocks is that when you are far away you can pull it out to get a bit of a longer gun and help stabilize your marker and get your sight on your target that much better that is suitable for someone that plays sniper, or when you get closer you can collapse it all the way or fold it in to get the smallest gun possible. This will enable you to bring the gun right up tight to your shoulder making it easier for maneuvering around corners or breaching buildings. A very versatile stock for any player of any style really.

  Fixed non movable stocks will be seen on support guns like the M249 saw and other various guns. They are generally cheaper then you other fancy stocks as stated above but not always they do serve a purpose on real fire arms. Less moving parts = less maintenance which in turn makes for a gun lasting longer and a soldier staying in the field longer.

  The same is true for a stock on your marker, you will have springs break, adjusting handles snap off or hinges break. But with that said you also get what you paid for, now I'm not saying go out and buy the most expensive stock you cant possibly find although it would be nice not all of use budget balers can afford it, all I'm saying is that if you look for the cheapest stock out there its most likely going to break on you, do some research and see if the company you plan on buying from makes a good product, ask people you play with or if your buying from a shop ask the guy behind the counter ( after all that's what hes there for) see if he has one on another gun and test it out see what fits you best and will go with what ever marker your trying to build.

  What ever style of stock you decide to go with it will effect your game a great deal, so choose carefully and hopefully you will find a stock that I right for you and at a fair price too.

 As always support your local field and don't be afraid to bring a friend out once and a while show him/her the ropes of paintball.
M-POG Reviews out