Now that last one is what bothered me, I've been playing mag fed for a while now absolutely love it and haven't really noticed a huge decrease in the number of paint balls that I will go through. I'm kind of conservative with my shots so before when I would play hopper fed on any given day of paintball (excluding big games) I will go through a bag (500) paintballs. Ever since I switched to mag fed I still go through roughly the same amount of paint but there are those days where I wont go through as much.
This is using regular paintballs, now when these D-Mags are released ( which will be sooner than you think) we are going to see a HUGE increase in first strike sales. First strikes if you don't know about them look like this
They are remarkable rounds. They are D shaped (hence the name D-Mags) and have fins on the back of them to help give the round spin and stabilizes the round allowing it to travel farther then regular round paintballs. As of right now only Tiberius is the only company making these rounds, but who knows maybe other companies will start to make their own version of them. The rounds are 25x more accurate and will travel twice as far as regular rounds. Only down side is that they are kind of expensive about a dollar a round but the bigger bulk you buy the cheaper they are, none the less a perfect sniper round
I have noticed that some fields in my area are starting to carry them and allowing players to use first strike markers, so when these D-Mags are released a lot more people will start using these rounds, even though they cost a lot more than regular paintballs you end up shooting way less because they are hitting your target almost every time.
So when the switch is made to first strike paintball, (and I will I can say that for sure) even though we will be shooting less because of the price of first strikes you still end up paying the same amount for your paint that you would for round balls. That's just my two cents on the whole thing anyways.
I love mag fed and plan on playing it till the very end if you haven't made the switch I strongly suggest that you do, you wont be disappointed. Go out there and give it a try if you haven't already, support your local field(s) and don't for get to have fun.
M-POG Reviews Out
D-Mags arent named for the First Strike rounds but because of their "Dropability" versus the $32 plastic mags. So the D is for Dropable.
ReplyDeleteI see the sport taking off once conversion kits are smoothed out and D-mags are released.
I thought it was for the D shape of a first strike round.
ReplyDeleteI see it taking off also.
I'd like to get in on the discussion of Mag-Fed being a fad. I might argue that it is, at the very least, a niche that will have a solid following! I can't see Mag-Fed replacing standard Hopper-Fed "Spray and Pray" gaming, whether tourney or scenario. However, those of us who are Mag-Fed Only player are really just doing it different. We play a different game. Using my experiences at games like Operation: END WAR and the private games that I am invited to, it really comes down to a Mil-Sim quality of game for us. Those who view what we do as a fad, may not understand what drives some of us. In my circle, I run with former military and active duty police. They love this stuff.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't agree more, to say its a niche is a much better way of putting it.
ReplyDeleteI don't know what its like in the US but up here in Canada we have yet to see any mag fed only events. But this year we are expecting to see a few.
The fact that former military/law enforcement guys love it is very promising aswell.
I produce airsoft scenario games in Texas and had stepped back from paintball... now i'm just waiting for the right moment to offer my milsim events in mag-fed form to attract this new customer base. I'm very excited about mag fed. Even if only 50 players come to a mag fed event, the profit margins work out better than 50 airsoft players. I'm already selling airsoft contracts to paintball fields... think i can't sell the same game with better profit margins?
ReplyDeleteIt will catch on as a niche market, just like anything else. No one is suggesting it take over paintball. Play the way you want, there's something for everyone.
Yes, I think it'll catch on. Paintball has a whole lot of things going for it, like marked hits, high weight projectiles and "pucker factor" that really make it an adrenaline rush.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, the marketing for the game took a turn in the 1990s towards cleaning up the war game image and promoting the entire game as something to be done at high rates of fire, with jerseys and small fields.
Plenty of folks have moved on to Airsoft, which offers that war game atmosphere. If we can bring it back into paintball, I know we'll bring many of those lost paintballers back into the fold, not to mention many of the current players. Just look at pump play, it's basically the same principle as mag-fed, except with non milsim guns. It's enjoying huge success at the moment.
See that's why I think it will take off, not to mention now it becomes more affordable for people to go out for the day and play paintball.